Yahwe the Sumerian Deity
Yahweh, a deity of Sumerian, Hittite and Edomite culture; a deity rejected by Abraham in Ur, when he was brought out of those lands by Elohim.
Genesis 15:7
And he said unto him, I am Adonai that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it
Yahwe the Sumerian Deity
Professor Delitzsch over two lectures given at Berlin, Germany during 1902 and 1903 forwarded the validity and historical proof that Yahweh appeared in Akkadian cuneiform on clay tablets. He understood "yahweh-el" meant "yahweh [is] god."
Professor Delitzsch:
"...through the kindness of the Head of the Department of Assyrian and Egyptian antiquities at the British Museum, I am able to give a representation of three small clay tablets (figs. 45-47)...they belong to the age of Hammurabi, one in particular to the reign of his father Sin-mubalit...they contain three names which, from the point of view of the history of religion, are of the most far-reaching importance: The names are "Yahwe is God."
(pp. 70-71. "Lecture One, Babel and Bible." Friedrich Delitzsch. Babel and Bible. Eugene, Oregon. Wipf & Stock Publishers. 2007. Reprint of the English edition translated by C.H.W. Johns. 1903, Cambridge, England)
"The effect of the proper names enumerated in my last year's lecture, which we find to have been current in immensely large numbers among North Semitic Nomads, who, about 2500 B.C., had wandered into Babylonia, has proved quite startling- names such as "El, i.e. "God sits enthroned in power," "If God be not my God," "God! Behold me!" "God is God," Jahu (ie. Jahve) is God." ...the names of the descendants of the North Semitic Bedouin dating from circa 2300 B.C., remain, like a lighthouse in a dark night, firm, and immovable: "God is God," "Jahu is God."
Image: a Sumerian relief sculpture
(pp. 193-194. Friedrich Delitzsch. Babel and Bible. Eugene, Oregon. Wipf & Stock. 2007. A reprint of the English edition translated from the German edition by C.H.W. Johns in 1903)
Image: a relief sculpture of a Hittite
Ya(hweh) the Hittite deity.
Ya is the name of a god added to several Hittite kings: Tudhali-ya I (1700BC), Tudhali-ya II, Tudhali-ya III, Tudhali-ya IV, and Tudhali-ya V. These all lived before Abraham. What is interesting is the names: Tud-haliyah can be the very same as Tud-hallelyah or Tud-hallelijah. His name would then mean, praise the Ya god of Tud, or the Ya god of Tud is to be praised.
Image: a relief sculpture of an Edomite I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are (Sumerians, Hittites, Edomites, Persites, Hivities, Magogites - of) the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9
The Jewish Nation, the Sumerians, and Hittites.
First, one must understand that the Jews (Sephardim) descend from Esau - the twin brother of Jacob (who went on to became Israel and the father of the Israelites.)
"Edom is in 'Modern Jewry" Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p.
Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; [Genesis 36:2]
Esau married into the Hittites and adopted their culture. The Hittites themselves descend through intermarriage from the Sumerians.
In his article on Purity of Race, Jacobs gives several important facts that were forcing anthropologists of his day to reconsider the modern Jew's racial claims to be Biblical Israel. In the study of craniometry which involves the measurements of the skull, the evidence was clearly mounting against the modern Jews. After extensive samples were taken from a broad spectrum of Jewish groups world-wide. The conclusion was evident. Jacobs writes; "They are predominantly brachycephalic, or broad-headed, while the Semites of Arabic origin are invariably dolichocephalic, or long-headed" (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 284). Simply put, all known Semites have historically been long-headed, but the modern Jews were predominantly round-headed! While Jacobs avoids drawing any personal conclusions, he relates a prevailing view of his time: "Some anthropologist are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited" (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 284). The findings of some anthropologist were leading them to conclude that the modern Jews were not in fact Semites at all. but rather descendants of the ancient Hittites. Jacobs however was personally hesitant to confess that the Jews were not the Jews, simply because of the profound implications it imposed. He also wrote the article on Anthropology and there declared: "Much turns upon the preliminary question whether contemporary Jews are of the same race as those mentioned in the Bible" (Jew. Enc. I (1901), 619). Jacobs obviously realized the implications of the data he was receiving. It suggested the revolutionary idea that the Jews were not in fact the Jews. He again presented the anthropological evidence the cranial measurements of the modern Jews, stating: "Their skulls are mainly brachycephalic; that is, the breadth is generally over 80 per cent of the length. This has been used as an argument against the purity of race, as most Semites—like the Arabs and Syrians—are dolichocephalic, or long-headed"
(Jew, Enc. I (1901), 619).
In his article on Craniometry, Jewish scholar Maurice Fishberg provides a more comprehensive treatment of the "Jewish" cranial findings that were turning the Jewish world upside down. Moreover, Fishberg was a licensed medical Doctor and a medical examiner in New York City. He was clearly an expert in his field and eminently qualified to comment on the data at hand. Unlike Jacobs who was tied to the Jewish historical society, Fishberg presents the facts much more objectively. Forthwith, he declares: "As is at present accepted by nearly all anthropologists, the shape of the head is the most stable characteristic of a given race" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 335). The article by Fishberg is thoroughly educational as well as informative. His scientific frame of reference is immediately evident. He includes numerous charts and statistics, a complete inventory of all the cranial data collected on the Jews to date. Fishberg also gives an understanding of some of the basic concepts and terminology. He writes: "The cephalic index is expressed by multiplying the width of the head by 100 and dividing the product by the length ...The broader or rounder the head is, the higher its cephalic index, and vice versa. When the cephalic index is above 80 anthropologist term it 'brachycephalic'; between 75 and 80, 'mesocephalic'; and less than 75, 'dolichocephalic"' (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 333). Dr. Fishberg then proceeds to present all the Jewish cranial findings in classical scientific form. He writes: "Appended is a table of nearly 3,000 Jewish heads, from various countries, measured during the last twenty years" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 333). In the table that follows, there is not one Jewish head that has a cephalic index below 80, and they are taken from a wide variety of countries spread throughout Europe, Russia, and Asia Minor. Fishberg comments on the data: "On an examination of the figures in this table a remarkable uniformity of the cephalic index of the modern Jews will be noticed....nearly 90 per cent are between 81.5 and 83 ...Another remarkable fact is the striking absence of the dolichocephalic type, which is characteristic of all the other modern Semitic races"
(Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 334).
Image 1: Sumerian art
Image 2: The phenotype of the Sumerians and Hittites are still carried by their contemporary descendants.
Image: Reproduction of the hieroglyphic inscription of YHWH dated to 1400 BC.
Discovered in the temple at Soleb (Nubia) built by the Pharaoh Amenhotep III.
Two hieroglyphic references dating to the New Kingdom (1550 BC–c. 1069) refer to “the land of the Shasu of YHWH.” These are the oldest Egyptian references to YHWH. The "Shasu of Yhw" is found on inscriptions from the Nubian temples of Soleb and Amara West, and corresponds precisely to the tetragrammaton.
A Nineteenth Dynasty document refers to the Shasu in a letter and is dated 1192 B.C., which states in part:
"Another communication to my Lord: We have finished letting the Shasu tribes of Edom pass the fortress of Merneptah Hotep-hir-Maat…which is in Tjeku, to the pools of Per Atum of Merneptah Hotep-hir-Maat, which are in Tkeku, to keep them alive and to keep their cattle alive…"
Source: Siegfried Herrmann, Israel in Egypt (Naperville, IL: Alec R. Allenson Inc., 1973). p. 25.
Yahweh: a deity of Sumerian, Hittite and Edomite culture. A deity rejected by Abraham in Ur.