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In the beginning God created...

Updated: May 15, 2023

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we find in its opening statement that God spoke our world and universe in to creation. Genesis 1:1-3 1 In the beginning God (the Aleph Tav Elohim) created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. What are some profound implications that surround this passage as to the form and accuracy of the method of creation as described here?

1. We know that one's voice is the product of energy, vibration, frequency and resonance.

2. We know that matter is the product of energy, vibration, frequency and resonance.

3. We know that the Universe is information, yet information is not a property of matter, nor is information energy. Information, however, is always issued by a sender, who has willed its purpose and made it known through statistics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and apobetics. Since information is a non-material entity, its origin is not explainable by material processes, however, through natural observation we can deduce that there can be no new information without an intelligent, purposeful sender, or intelligent source. Through the allocation of meaning to a set of symbols, and utilising these symbols, information is formed, not by chance, but through the application of intelligence. Here the sender, or originator of information has purposefully created a language or code which can be decoded by the receiver of sufficient intelligence to understand the code, or language. Our scientific achievements, advancements, and recognition of the laws of nature are based upon our ability of having decoded portions of this language, and having understood this information - which had been previously formed by an intelligent source. The question therefore is posed to the atheist, the skeptic, and the doubter; which non-material intelligent source wrote the language of the Universe, and spoke it into creation? Further considerations. When we look upon ancient examples of coded language such as Paleolithic writing, cuneiform tablets, Egyptian hieroglyphics, or ancient Chinese pictographs, we correctly discern that this was created by an intelligent mind. When we look upon modern coded language such as programming language, i.e. Java and C++, or communication systems in electrical engineering, we again correctly discern that this was created by an intelligent mind. When we look upon DNA we find a coded language with its own encoding / decoding mechanism. DNA, which is a sequence of base pairs, is encoded in RNA which transcribes the message, which is then decoded into proteins. These base pairs of codes, or instructions, specify the characteristics of all known living organisms. As a coded language, DNA supersedes any known language, or communication system, created by man. DNA, the creation of an intelligent mind. Within biology, intelligent design is a theory of biological origins and development. It's fundamental claim is that intelligent causes are necessary to explain the complex, information rich structures of biology, and that these causes are empirically detectable. - William Dembski (Dembski, IDM, 24)

There is an identity of structure between DNA (and protein) and written linguistic messages. Since we know by experience that intelligence produces messages, and no other cause is known, the implication, according to the abduction method, is that intelligent cause produced DNA and protein. The significance of this result lies in the security of it, for it is much stronger than if the structures were merely similar. We are not dealing with anything like a superficial resemblance between DNA, and a written text. We are not sayign DNA is like a message. Rather, DNA is a message. True design thus returns to biology. - Hupert Yockey (Yockey, JTB as cited in Thaxton, NDA, 19) "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." - Max Planck, the father of Quantum Theory Source: The Observer (25 January 1931)

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